Monday, May 5, 2008

Baby Pictures of Course!

Leah loves to visit my house. She thinks she is at the Botanical Gardens with all the flowers every where. Here she is all excited cause she is rolling over both ways. I have a video but haven't learned how to put that on yet Connie or Rachel......Her new best friend, George.

That tickles!
Love those feet!

Look at those eyes!

She's having a tea party at grandmas house. Don't exactly know what she was doing with her lips. Probably giving me the raspberries.

I love to tease David that she watches TV when we babysit. I had to go to the basement so I put her in the chair. She does seem to like Clifford.

These chairs are great, especially for watching TV dad. Only problem is that those chubby legs get caught when we try to remove her from the seat. Chair usually comes right along until we tug a little.


Rachael said...

Those are some pretty chubby, pretty cute baby legs! Reminds me of Jack and Ben as babies.

Video: If you can get it on your computer saved, it's very easy to upload to blogger. (There's a video icon that looks like a film strip and you upload it just like you would a picture, only click that instead of the photo icon.)

The other way you can do it, is to upload the video to You Tube and then cut and paste the HTML You Tube code into your post.

But, if getting it onto the computer is your problem, I can't help you with that. But, I bet Adam would know.

Tina in CT said...

She is just so cute.