Sunday, September 21, 2008

Labor Day Activities

We had a great Labor Day this year. Looks like these girls are ready to go. You know grandma, she just gets in the vehicle and goes wherever it goes. She is just happy to be on the move just like Leah. Our destination was the UP.....LONG RIDE! But it turned out great. Dan says we drove over 1100 miles from Friday night til Mon. Our trip started with trying to cram 9 adults, 1 baby, stroller, bike carrier, bed, etc, 1 large dog, 4 surfboards, 2 bikes inside the camper and 4 more outside. To bad the boys couldn't fit in the golf clubs, they were pretty disappointed. It worked out great cause we were so busy there wouldn't have been any time for golf. Here is Adam taking the fins off of the 4 surfboards. Two were stored over the pop out in the camper and then two went inside the closet in the back, out across the bed, and into the bathroom. The two bikes were on the other side of the bed but there was still room to sleep two people pretty cozily on the back bed.
Natalie wasn't so sure about this trip......It did turn out good and she really loved Mackinaw Island. Thought we had transplanted her on a Carribean Island with the blue clear water and 90 degree temperature.
This is our vehicle.
Our start up driver. His first stop, Don Pablos in Flint, his favorite. They closed ours down and boy did he take that hard.

Sarah and David in their designated spot, the dinette. They can sit up in it or set it down and recline with Leah on the end at their feet so she can be strapped in.I'm already working on my vacation. Sarah and I put together the invitations to the baby dedication on the trip. Had everything all cut and prepped and they were finished when we returned. I think they turned out so cute. All Sarah's ideas.First night we spent in the rest area before the bridge. Did not pop out so it was very tight. Dan and I on dinette, oh my back, gram on couch, Sarah and David on floor, Adam and Natalie in back on tight bed with boards and bikes, and Leah in the bathroom in her car seat.Only problem is Walter is wondering where he is to go.. I think he ended up on bed crowding Natalie and Adam.Leah woke up not to sure where she was and who that was sleeping next to her.First view of the bridge from a great rest area in town. We had breakfast and a short walk here before heading into the UP. Beautiful view and way to start the Sabbath.Walter found his favorite spot.Okay, needless to say, I was very nervous about crossing the bridge in the camper. I am sure some of you remember when a car was blown over the bridge and the women died. We were pretty high up with only a little rail to guard you. Adam did the driving. He admitted being a bit nervous. Notice both hands gripping the wheel. I just looked out the side window and enjoyed the water view.
First stop we made was the Soo locks. Dan sure loved it but the rest of us were a tad bored. Luckily though a big boat was coming thru at the time we arrived so it brought back memories of doing the locks in the Ohio river on Uncle Eddies House Boat.
On to Tecquanamin Falls, (sp). Walter encountered his first bear.
Then Leah had to go have a touch for herself.
Couldn't pass up a ride on a moose head. Yes, we are voting for Sarah Palin, I mean McCain. Love those Alaskan people and Mooses.
It was just a nice trek to see the falls. Beautiful. Oh, and the weather was terrific, 88-92 degrees every day and not a drop of rain.
Here are the falls with three generations in front of them. What a beautiful sight.

1 comment:

Tina in CT said...

I enjoyed reading your blog and seeing all the pictures from your family holiday weekend trip to the island. I got a kick out of the sleeping picture with everyone packed into their spot. Sounds like it was a fun weekend. Walter sure has fun in the lake.