Wednesday, June 18, 2008


It was our last bath time together so I decided we should take a few pictures to show how she has grown from the first pictures I took. Of course, couldn't find any bath, but this was a few months ago. Leah turned 8 months on
June 15th, Fathers Day. The day before we discovered that she is getting her first tooth on the bottom. Also, she started crawling forward yesterday. How exciting. Now we will really have to be on guard. She is a real mover.
I know it may be hard to believe, but she can also be an imp. This picture says it all.

Nothing feels better than cuddling with this sweetheart after her bath, all wrapped up in her towel. The one thing we can't figure out is that she hates to get her clothes changed now. She screams the whole time. So I end up giving her the desitin, my watch, my reading glasses, anything in site to keep her occupied. That is one pretty cute baby. Lori, she would give Anthony a run for his money in that Gerber baby contest.......Maybe we could get them to chose one girl and one boy.

1 comment:

Lori said...

She is SO CUTE! I can't believe you all still bathe her in that little tub on the counter doesn't she splash water everywhere?
We'll have to get the babies together next time you all are in town, I had a baby play date with 3 other babies at my house last week and it was so fun to see the babies laughing and rolling all over each other.