Natalie thought I was joking when I said we wanted to make purses. She finally took me serious in Holland when she and Francie told us they were going to a fabric store. We asked to tag along and that is where the addiction started. It was so much fun. They helped us purchase the fabric, pattern, and accessories. Then it was back to the camper after getting Sabbath groceries, eating lunch, Hobby Lobby, etc. But, when we did get back, Francie got us started. Natalie had brought the sewing machine along with her CAMPING.
We worked all Friday afternoon til sunset and then Sarah and I had our first crafting session together. She has penciled in Wednesday morning for us to craft/scrap together at her house. Well, it took us all morning to get her sewing machine up, new bobbin winded, and the machine threaded. I know how to do mine but not hers. With Sarah reading directions, and finally a phone call to Natalie, we got it done.
Sewed until 5:30 when I sat in the car to go home. It was so much fun and such a good feeling to accomplish this by ourselves, at the end anyways. Natalie came and helped us put Sarah's flower together and I finished mine at home in the evening. We love them.
Thanks Francie and Natalie. Going to Fields Fabric on Friday. Gram Lois now wants one and Natalie will show me how to do a new one. Can't wait.
Of course the pink is Sarah's and mine is the blue.